The mission of Central Coast Funds for Children is to raise funds to help provide a hopeful pathway for children in need in San Luis Obispo County.
What is CCFC All About?

The mission of Central Coast Funds for Children is to raise funds to help provide a hopeful pathway for children in need in San Luis Obispo County. In 2023, we contributed to 38 local organizations totaling $104,500. We are proud to say this is our 30th anniversary and over the course of those twenty-seven years, we have donated $2,067,165.
CCFC is comprised of 25 women who volunteer over 3,400 hours per year on causes, including a signature fundraising event or mailer fundraiser. CCFC volunteers also give their time to several important community events, including the Morro Bay Kite Festival (where we gave away over 500 kites), Children’s Day in the Plaza, Camp Reach for the Stars (a camp for children with cancer and their families). Also, one time per month members meet to make “Sunshine Sacks”. These sacks are filled with journals, pens, pencils or crayons, combs, brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, a stuffed animal, if age appropriate, personal hygiene products and other items. The sacks are then given to San Luis Obispo County Social Services, Foster Care Program for children that may
have been taken out of the home or from
school and placed in foster care.
Often these children do not have any
personal belongings with them and this
sack gives them a sense of security knowing
they have something that is theirs. Go to the
About Us page to learn more about CCFC.

Newsletter & Upcoming Events

You've got the will... we've got the way!
Turn your compassion into action ~ join Central Coast Funds for Children. We have a limited number of membership openings and are looking for women who care about helping children at risk and would like to get involved with a group of like-minded women who also like to have fun!
Please contact Cindi Powell at Cynthialeepowell@yahoo.com
if you are interested in joining CCFC.
Patti Hempenius was honored at the October 2023 general meeting for her 25 years of service to CCFC. She was presented with a crystal gift box and a memory book created by Corinne Cilli and Nancy Karwin. Patti has now transitioned to trustee.
25 years belonging to CCFC,
Patti's been a member as long as can be.
Initially a volunteer at the French Hospital Gift Box,
Giving of her time and spirit when opportunity knocked.
She traveled to gift shows in San Franciso and L.A.,
Treasures abounded, ready for her to help display.
President of CCFC in two thousand five,
To be the best president, I'm sure she did strive.
As parliamentarian, Patti's an expert in the rules of order,
And updating the by-laws, she's quite the informer!
Preparing the taxes, collecting tickets, and counting the money,
To have one so knowledgeable, CCFC is very lucky.
Patti, you are the heart and soul of CCFC,
You are the very best, we all decree!
Thank you for your 25 years of support to CCFC,
What would we do without you?

Happy New Year Everyone! As the newly elected president of CCFC, I am really looking forward to this year and what we, with the support of our generous donors (listed in the newsletter) can do in 2025 to continue supporting the needs of disadvantaged and at-risk children in San Luis Obispo County.